Relieve Back Pain

How To Relieve Back Pain At Home | Common Reasons And Effective Exercises

This article aims to inform about exercises, causes, and prevention of back pain, including how to relieve back pain at home. Discomfort caused by back pain is a widespread issue affecting individuals of any age or gender, ranging from mild discomfort to intense agony.

While some people may take medications to ease their back pain, others prefer to incorporate exercises and lifestyle changes to manage or prevent it, focusing on how to relieve back pain at home. Hence, the article will cover different types of back pain exercises, the root causes of back pain, and ways to avoid it, offering insights into how to relieve back pain at home.

Common Reasons For Back Pain


Frequent back pain can hinder daily activities and learning how to relieve back pain at home can be crucial. The back is essential because it shields the spinal cord, holds up the head and body, and enables us to move our arms and legs properly.


  • Bad posture:

Slouching and slumping in the chair might induce nerve irritation. If your vertebrates are not correctly aligned, the nerves may begin to compress, resulting in nerve discomfort, which causes pain.

  • The correct lifting technique:

The correct lifting technique is essential when picking up heavy items from the ground to avoid any possible back pain. Be sure to learn and follow the proper lifting technique.

  • Bulging or herniated spinal:

Bulging or herniated spinal discs are usually caused by the natural process of aging or an injury from improper lifting or sudden heavy loading at the back.

  • Repetitive movements:

Repetitive movements like twisting and bending can cause strain and muscle injury, worsening back pain.

  • Muscle Cramps:

If you sit in one position for six or more hours without standing up, you may experience muscle cramps. These cramps can start in your lower back and spread throughout your spine. Additionally, sitting for long periods can increase pressure on your spine and make you more susceptible to pain.

  • Obesity:

The spine supports the body’s weight. When you are overweight, your spine has to bear the extra burden, resulting in lower back pain. Excess belly fat and weak core muscles deprive your backbone of the support it needs.

  • Spinal Stenosis:

The condition involves the spinal canal becoming narrower and causing nerve compression. It commonly occurs in people over 50. This condition causes back pain that is worse with extended periods of weight–bearing or walking. Surgery is sometimes needed to correct this disorder in several cases.

  •  Osteoarthritis:

Osteoarthritis can affect the joints in our spine, including spinal stenosis. As we age, the cartilage within our vertebrae’s discs and joints deteriorates, increasing the risk of inflammation, swelling, and stiffness. Osteoarthritis can lead to back pain, and it is common in people over the age of 50.

  • Fractured vertebrae:

The thoracic spine has 12 vertebrae at the back of our body. Thus, an injury or fracture of one vertebra can result in severe and sharp back pain that needs immediate medical attention.

  • Osteoporosis:

Our bones become weak, brittle, and fragile as we age. Osteoporosis is a condition with a gradual reduction in bone density, making bones more vulnerable to fractures and injuries. If it happens, severe back pain will be more serious and need medical attention.

  • S-shaped scoliosis:

S-shaped scoliosis is less painful than C-shaped scoliosis since the curvature is more evenly balanced. This condition results in back pain because it puts stress or pressure on the patient’s spinal discs, nerves, ligaments, muscles, and facet joints.

  • Wrong position while sleeping:

This may cause misalignment of your spine.


Thomas Tozer, a chiropractor at Imperium Chiropractic in Wisconsin, explains that sleeping position can affect back pain. He advises explicitly against sleeping on your stomach because it’s challenging to maintain a neutral spinal alignment. Furthermore, consistently sleeping in the same position on a worn-out mattress can also cause back pain as it loses its proper support over time.



3 Categories of Back Pain:


Back pain is a widespread discomfort that can hinder daily activities and may signal an underlying condition. Seeking medical advice from healthcare professionals is crucial if the pain is severe. Understanding how to relieve back pain at home can also be a valuable part of managing less severe cases.

Acute Back Pain


  • Acute pain is a short-term pain that feels like a sudden sharp ache, mainly in the lower back. The pain usually lasts two weeks to a few months. The duration of pain ranges from mild to severe, lasting about an hour for mild pain and weeks or several months for severe pain.
  • Acute pain usually results from heavy lifting objects, sudden movements, and wrong positioning, like bending the wrong way, sitting for an extended period, or falling, which results in injury.
  • Acute pain usually subsides and resolves when the muscles heal or the swelling decreases. 6 months or beyond, if the pain doesn’t stop, it goes from sensitive to subacute or even becomes chronic.
  • We don’t usually need to visit doctors for acute pain. We can take an over-the-counter drug to treat pain, and sometimes, home remedies like applying a hot or cold compress can help the pain subside. Still, if the pain persists and even interferes with your daily activities, it’s time to call or go to healthcare professionals and ask for advice or help.


Subacute Back Pain


  • If the pain you are experiencing lasts beyond six months, it is already considered subacute pain. In this category, the recurring or constant pain ranges from mild to severe. Typically, subacute pain gradually begins and persists for a few weeks or even a year.
  • Subacute pain is a type of pain that is usually mechanical, such as joint pain or muscle strain due to overexertion or injury. Some underlying conditions may also be attributed to subacute pain, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, or other degenerative disc diseases. Besides, the pain can also be due to previous injury or trauma to the bones and joints.
  • People experiencing subacute pain recover slower and feel more discomfort than those with acute pain. You may not be able to function normally, and you can’t continue doing your daily activities. At this time, seeking professional help must be considered for treating and managing pain. To prevent chronic pain as early as possible, one should take action.


Chronic Back Pain


A back pain that usually lasts for three months or more. The level of discomfort can vary and often occurs repeatedly with recurring episodes. The duration of the pain may range from mild to severe and frequently happens with recurrent occurrences; this may result from uncontrolled or untreated pain or persistent pain that doesn’t respond to treatment. At this stage, one may experience weakness or pain extending to the arms and legs.


Sometimes, pain is present anywhere from the neck to the lower back, either localized or radiating toward the backside and legs. This time, severe pain doesn’t just go away and does not improve with rest. It needs an evaluation as soon as possible and then treatment. Chronic pain can be frustrating to someone since they can’t perform their ordinary physical activities or daily routine.


Common Reasons for Chronic Back Pain Include:


  • Trauma
  • Injury
  • Slipped or herniated disc
  • Scoliosis
  • Spondylosis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Arthritis or osteoarthritis


If you are experiencing chronic back pain, a specialist would recommend a thorough check-up, including tests such as X-rays (to check for bone fractures) and CT scans (for a more in-depth examination). MRI scans can identify tumors, slipped discs, and nerve compression. Doctors may advise Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) tests to check for nerve damage.



How Do I Relieve My Back Pain?


Anyone can experience back pain, especially older people, even children and teens. It can be caused by an injury from an accident or a simple wrong body position when lifting a heavy object, poor posture, or improper technique when doing our daily activities that result from spraining or even spine misalignments; these could be a source of discomfort and back pain.


Pain categorized as chronic, such as pain from injury due to an accident or any medical condition, needs the attention of a health professional. Proper movement, exercise, and sometimes extra care in our actions can fix back pains.


Stretchings And Exercises To Relieve  Back Pain


Stretching and exercises are essential to restoring your strength and movement when you are experiencing back pain because they will help support tissue healing and help you get moving again. You can do some exercises alone to help you fix your back pain. They will help strengthen and improve your muscles’ flexibility to support your lower back.


Knees to Chest Stretch


How To Relieve Back Pain At Home

This is a great exercise to help relieve the tension in the lower back. It helps to stretch and release tight muscles.


How To Do the Knees To Chest Stretch?


1. Find a safe and comfortable place to lie on your back.

2. Slowly bring your knees to your chest.

3. Hold the front of your knees with your hands and pull them as close to your body as possible. 4. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds.

5. Take a break and repeat the steps needed for relief.

6. Release your legs and stretch out your back before standing up.

Remember to keep your abs contracted and focus on keeping your back straight.; this will help protect your lower back and prevent stress or strain. Also, please don’t push yourself beyond the point of pain or discomfort.


Cat/Cow Exercise


Cat/Cow Exercise

This exercise helps to stretch and loosen up the spine, increase mobility, and improve posture.

Do you know how to do the Cat/Cow Exercise?


1. Assume a position with your hands and knees on the ground. Please ensure your back is in a neutral position with your head aligned with your spine.

2. Take a deep breath, and as you do, drop your belly while arching your back, like a cat does after waking up from a nap.

3. As you exhale, arch your back towards the ceiling.

4. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions or until you feel relief from pain in your lower back area.

5 . Before standing up, take some deep breaths.


Prayer Stretch

Prayer Stretch, How To Relieve Back Pain At Home

Prayer stretch is a great way to measure your range of motion, pain sensation, and the benefits of stretching. When dealing with low back pain, it is essential to move slowly and purposefully to avoid further damage.


How To Do The Prayer Stretch?


1. For proper spine alignment, Begin on your hands and knees with a straight line from the gluteal muscles to the top of the head.

2. Assume a position on your heels, take a deep breath through your nose, and breathe slowly from your mouth.

3. Drop your chest and head down as you exhale, going as low as possible.

4. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds before releasing and repeating if desired.


To ensure that you’re getting the full benefit of the prayer stretch, focus on relaxing any tension in your body throughout each exercise step and intend to release negative energy with each exhale.


Lumbar Rotation Exercise


Lumbar Rotation Exercise

It helps stretch and loosen the muscles of your lower back and improves the range of motion. This exercise also helps reduce stiffness, improve flexibility, and strengthen your lower back muscles. It can be helpful for those who have been inactive or sedentary as it helps to improve circulation and get the blood flowing.


How To Do The Lumbar Rotation Exercise?


1. Begin by lying on your back with your feet placed flat on the floor and your knees bent.

2. Place your knees and feet together.

3. Take a deep breath, then exhale while slowly dropping your knees to one side.

4. Inhale as you bring your legs back up to the starting position.

5. Exhale again while dropping them to the other side.

6. Make sure your knees don’t need to touch the floor; work within your range of motion without pain or discomfort.


Repeat this exercise 3-4 times on each side for the best results! Be sure to stop if you feel any pain or discomfort. You can do this exercise daily to maintain flexibility and strength in your lower back muscles.


Hamstring Stretch

stretching exercises

The hamstring is a group of three muscles located at the back of the thigh, spanning from the hip to the knee.

How To Stretch The Hamstring?


1. Please lie on your back and bend your knees, ensuring your feet rest flat on the floor.

2. Lift one leg with a slight bend in the knee of the stretched leg and bring it closer to your body.

3. Use a towel if it helps, and hold the position for 30 seconds.

4. Repeat this process with the other leg.

Regularly doing these steps can help improve your hamstrings’ flexibility, reduce lower back pain, and prevent injury when exercising or performing daily activities such as walking or running, crucial for those learning how to relieve back pain at home.


Hip Flexor Stretch

how to relieve back pain at home

Inadequacies in physical strength and flexibility can result in various problems, notably lower back pain, often attributed to tight and weak hip flexors.


How to Stretch The Hip Flexor?


1. Begin by kneeling on the ground with your right knee in front of you and your left knee behind you.

2. Gently place your hands on the right knee and push your hips forward, allowing for a stretch in the left hip flexor.

3. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, breathing deeply and evenly throughout.

4. Release the stretch and switch legs, placing your left knee in front and your right knee behind you.

5. Repeat the stretch on your left side, holding for 20-30 seconds.

6. You can repeat this stretch 2-3 times on each side, taking breaks in between if needed.


Remember never to force the stretch and listen to your body’s limits. Consider incorporating stretching for your hip flexors to enhance your posture, minimize lower back discomfort, and boost your flexibility. Incorporate this stretch into your daily routine for improved mobility and overall health.


Simple Habits to Prevent Back Pain


Exercise: Regular exercise strengthens and stretches muscles in your back, helps maintain a healthy weight, and improves your overall fitness. Integrating movements such as walking, swimming, and practicing yoga into your daily regimen can help develop your physical strength and flexibility, essential for those seeking how to relieve back pain at home.


  • Good posture Basically, good posture means all bones of your spine are correctly aligned. It keeps all parts balanced and supported. Please refrain from doing the wrong position or lousy posture, especially in sitting, standing or even when you sleep, because it may cause further damage to the back. With proper posture, back pain will be minimized or relieved.
  • Relax: Stress, tension, and other non-physical problems can contribute to back pain. Yoga and meditation help lessen stress and make you feel relaxed, and they also loosen up your muscles.
  • Move: When you are experiencing back pain, you don’t want to move because you fear it may worsen your condition. But you were wrong; moving is very important as much as you can handle when you are in pain—for instance, walking. It is good because you can do it alone.

“According to Robertson, even though back pain can be excruciating, it is usually not serious. Therefore, it is important not to fear movement and to continue moving despite the pain. ”

  • Avoid prolonged bed rest – Lying down too much can’t help you recover from pain. Instead, it will make you recover slowly and worse; it increases the pain.

“According to William Lauretti, DC, an associate professor at New York Chiropractic College and a spokesperson for the American Chiropractic Association, we have learned over the last 25 years that bed rest is not a good idea for back pain. Instead, it would be best to stay as active as possible.



Back pain can be prevented and managed by regularly doing simple stretches, exercises, and habits such as exercise, good posture, relaxation techniques, movement, and avoiding prolonged bed rest. It is essential to focus on breathing and keep a relaxed body throughout each exercise to benefit from each activity, which aligns with strategies on how to relieve back pain at home.

Experts suggest a variety of exercises and stretches for alleviating lower back pain, essential for anyone looking into how to relieve back pain at home. However, in cases of severe back pain, it is recommended to seek the advice of a medical expert. They can offer personalized recommendations on practical exercises and identify potential risks associated with certain activities.

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